Thursday, September 24, 2009

Six Months, 09.26.09

Believe it or not, but Georgia is 6 months old. She is starting to get 2 teeth on the bottom of her mouth. She wasn't happy when they started to make their debut but now she's doing great. Lots of babbling and laughing. She looks like she's trying to figure out how to sit and crawl. Needs some support with sitting and only moves in reverse. In the next few weeks, she should have it all figured out... We had our first cold front the day after Fall began. I couldn't resist taking a few shots of her in her colder clothes.


  1. Lisa - she's really starting to look like you! So gorgeous. You'd better get a halloween outfit lined up.

  2. Six months already... wow, time flies. Man, her personality is shining through... can't wait to see her in two weeks!!!
