Thursday, September 24, 2009

Six Months, 09.26.09

Believe it or not, but Georgia is 6 months old. She is starting to get 2 teeth on the bottom of her mouth. She wasn't happy when they started to make their debut but now she's doing great. Lots of babbling and laughing. She looks like she's trying to figure out how to sit and crawl. Needs some support with sitting and only moves in reverse. In the next few weeks, she should have it all figured out... We had our first cold front the day after Fall began. I couldn't resist taking a few shots of her in her colder clothes.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Attempting to Sit Up, 09.07.09

Georgia is trying to figure out how to sit up on her own. She's making good progress and should be successful before long.

Having Fun with Food, 09.2009

Here are some pics of Georgia enjoying her veggies.

Labor Day Week, 09.06.09

Georgia is extremely aware of her surroundings and is very interactive these days. She liked all of her orange veggies and is now testing out greens. She is starting to get great core strength and was so excited to finally sit in a highchair at a restaurant. She wouldn't stop smiling and was laughing at everyone around her.
Here are a few other pics that we took this week including Pete and Georgia at our neighborhood Labor Day parade. Pete even captured her holding a book. She's getting great with her hand coordination.