Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Getting Ready for Baby D - March 26, 2009

0700: checking into hospital for induction.
0815: Dr. Bushart at bedside with his quick wit. Only 2 cm, Stephanie (nurse) is starting Pitocin to really get things rolling along.
0940: Things are really getting intense, Buz at bedside. Dilated to 4 cm, requesting epidural.
1000: Epidural started.
1015: Wow, these epidurals really work. No more pain.
1100: Dilated to 6 cm. Pete's parents & Aunt are at bedside & are holding camp in the waiting room.
1300: Dr. Buz stopped by for check, fully dilated.
1330: Other nurse states that the baby's heart rate looks like a boy. Darn, we almost made it to not knowing the baby's gender.
1500: Georgia Britt Dufrene makes her debut weighing in at 8lb, 13oz and 20.5 inches. (nurse's prediction was wrong and we were completely surprised).
1600: Pete's parents & Aunt came into room and were shocked to know it was a girl after all.

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