Monday, April 27, 2009

First Engagement Party & sunglasses

We took Georgia to Mark & Amber's engagement party (her first). Great food and friends. We had a great time and she seemed to enjoy checking everyone out. Lots of new sights and sounds. She tried on her first pair of sunglasses and looks mighty cool. I think she was trying to pose for the camera. She also is becoming slightly fond of her frog lovey. She's starting to hug it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Doctor Visits, 04.23.09

We went to see Dr. Bushart (OB) this week. He and his nurse, Roz, were enamored with Georgia. They really enjoyed seeing her. She was awake during the whole appt and she didn't make a peep. Of course, we had to snap a shot of her and them. Dr. Buz and Roz were great during our pregnancy and delivery... We also went to see the ortho doc. I took some pics of her leg to show how great she's responding to the casting. Looking better and she only had a cast on for one week. Two more casts to go and we'll have to see how great it looks.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

4 Weeks Old, 04.23.09

This past week we went to another birthday party at the park. Everyone rode the train and played on the play scape. Next year, Georgia will be able to join in the fun. She received several awesome gifts this week and many embroidered onesies, a beach bag, and even a diaper oilcloth holder. Pete and I made the finishing touches to Georgia's 'name' artwork (thanks Ann for the suggestion with the flowers). I took Georgia around the lake and we walked 3 miles. Pretty soon, we'll be running around the lake. We're going to go see Dr. Dehne to change her cast and see the progress she's making. Also, I have to mention that Pete turned a onesie into a Yoda costume as you can see above. She's our little Yoda.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Casting of Left Leg 04.17.09

Georgia went back to see Dr. Dehne and he thinks we should cast her leg to help straighten it. He placed a soft cast on her left leg and she was fabulous. Not a single whimper or complaint from her. She was just smiling and happy during the whole process. Pete had to help hold her right leg b/c she was starting to kick the doc a bit. After a couple of casts, the doc thinks her leg will be normal and it will be ready in time for her to start walking.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Three Weeks Old 04.16.09

We boiled some shrimp to do a test run for our crawfish boil in May. Pete and Michael did a great job and everything was tasty. We celebrated Easter at a friend's house. Georgia was dressed in a cute pink outfit that we used when she went home from the hospital. She has met many friends over the past few weeks. So many people have been generous and we cannot thank them enough.

We can't believe how much Georgia has changed in these short three weeks. Here are some pics for everyone to enjoy.

Two Weeks Old 04.09.09

We had a fun filled week as the 2 week mark comes to a close. We finally purchased her bedding for her room to make it a girly thing. Georgia went to her first birthday party which was Bella's 4th b-day party. Georgia slept through the whole thing but everyone admired her. Went to Pete's company's BBQ outing at a park. We walked around the lake and Georgia of course snoozed as we passed the ducks. Then went to lunch with some friends and she was awake for some of it and was perfect.

One week old 04.02.09

We can't believe that a week has gone by. From everyone who has met her, they say Georgia is the best baby. Wakes up to eat and sleeps for 4 hour stretches. She has been a joy as we adjust to her. One of her favorite things is her bouncer. She loves the vibrations b/c it helps her sleep.

First Bath 03.31.09

Pete volunteered to give Georgia her first bath. She didn't fuss much and actually enjoyed it. Pete was a pro and got her smelling super sweet. She has had several baths since then and as you can see she is really starting to love bath time especially her piggy bath wrap.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

First Doctor's Appt, 03.30.09

We took Georgia to see Lydia for her first doctor's visit. Despite losing a little bit of weight (8lb, 4oz), she received a clean bill of health. Pete had fun with the animal mural and posing with Georgia.
She went to see an orthopedic foot specialist to see if she'll need to have a cast on her left foot. Looks like her foot was getting smooshed against her leg during pregnancy as she ran out of room. Dr. Dehne said it's the best problem to have and might even correct itself. He'll decide in a few weeks if she'll need a case. No biggie.

Heather to the rescue 03.29.09

My sister, Heather, arrived as Pete's family was heading out of town. She was a god send, giving us lots of valuable advice as we made it thru these first days at home. We took Georgia to her first restaurant and shopping trip. She is a trooper and a natural shopper.

Going Home - Saturday, 03.28.09

We're heading home with Georgia Britt Dufrene. She just took her first professional photographs at the hospital, passed her hearing test and had some blood drawn so we're free to head home. Pete safely drove us home and his family came to the house to greet the newest member to our family.

Getting Ready for Baby D - March 26, 2009

0700: checking into hospital for induction.
0815: Dr. Bushart at bedside with his quick wit. Only 2 cm, Stephanie (nurse) is starting Pitocin to really get things rolling along.
0940: Things are really getting intense, Buz at bedside. Dilated to 4 cm, requesting epidural.
1000: Epidural started.
1015: Wow, these epidurals really work. No more pain.
1100: Dilated to 6 cm. Pete's parents & Aunt are at bedside & are holding camp in the waiting room.
1300: Dr. Buz stopped by for check, fully dilated.
1330: Other nurse states that the baby's heart rate looks like a boy. Darn, we almost made it to not knowing the baby's gender.
1500: Georgia Britt Dufrene makes her debut weighing in at 8lb, 13oz and 20.5 inches. (nurse's prediction was wrong and we were completely surprised).
1600: Pete's parents & Aunt came into room and were shocked to know it was a girl after all.