Saturday, November 14, 2009

Starting to Crawl, 11.12.09

Georgia is continuing to change day by day and is moving fast doing a military-like crawl. She is definitely keeping us busy by chasing after her as she explores the world around her.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Laughing so hard, 11.12.09

Georgia thinks it's hysterical to pretend to swat flies with a piece of paper. She just can't stop laughing. Here's a video catching it. Pay attention to the end, she has a really hard laugh.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Meeting Friends, 11.06.09

Georgia met one of her newest friends, Mia, and was in such awe of her. Georgia looked like she was going to pat Mia on her back when she started to cry. I'm sure when they are older they will have a ton of fun together... At the end of the week, we met up with some of our friends, the Thornton's, and had a great time while eating a delicious meal. Georgia loved all of the attention from Kylie and Cade. She especially loved Cade's glasses and pulling at their hair.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

1st Halloween, 10.31.09

We had such a great time dressing Georgia up in her leopard outfit with whiskers to boot. She loved the attention that she received at the Esacove's Annual Halloween bash. Pete dressed up as a nerd and I dressed up as a disco chic. Hope everyone had a great Halloween.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Posing in a Pumpkin Patch, 10.30.09

Georgia was enjoying being surrounded by pumpkins at a local church's pumpkin patch. She was picture ready and was laughing continously. What beautiful fall weather we had today to celebrate the beginning of a great fall season. Happy Pumpkin Day.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

7 months, 10.26.09

Georgia is getting closer and closer to the one year mark. She's 7 months old today and is really growing like a weed. Her personality is so much fun and she is a very happy and sweet little girl. Here is a photo that really shows how much fun she has during bath time.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

6 mos shots, New Orleans Trip, 10.18.09

These past few weeks, Georgia received her 6 months shots, took a road trip to New Orleans to help celebrate Pete's parent's 50th wedding anniversary and had to deal with her first cold. Georgia had a great time meeting everyone and spending a good amount of time with family. She enjoyed all of the music during the wedding and reception...This week, Georgia sat up all by herself for a few seconds after getting some help into the position. She started this new thing that if she hears someone close to her crib she'll pull down the bumper vs. having to strain to lift her head up to see over the rails. She absolutely loves her bed and does a good job getting comfortable as you can tell by her lounging on the bumper.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Fall, 10.02.09

We were on the lookout for Georgia possibly getting chicken pox after being exposed. Thankfully, we've made it to day six which means were out of the woods... A nice cold front is coming through this week. Our current temp is in the 70's. Georgia is loving this weather and taking strolls as often as we can. Happy Fall to everyone. Love, Georgia.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Six Months, 09.26.09

Believe it or not, but Georgia is 6 months old. She is starting to get 2 teeth on the bottom of her mouth. She wasn't happy when they started to make their debut but now she's doing great. Lots of babbling and laughing. She looks like she's trying to figure out how to sit and crawl. Needs some support with sitting and only moves in reverse. In the next few weeks, she should have it all figured out... We had our first cold front the day after Fall began. I couldn't resist taking a few shots of her in her colder clothes.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Attempting to Sit Up, 09.07.09

Georgia is trying to figure out how to sit up on her own. She's making good progress and should be successful before long.

Having Fun with Food, 09.2009

Here are some pics of Georgia enjoying her veggies.

Labor Day Week, 09.06.09

Georgia is extremely aware of her surroundings and is very interactive these days. She liked all of her orange veggies and is now testing out greens. She is starting to get great core strength and was so excited to finally sit in a highchair at a restaurant. She wouldn't stop smiling and was laughing at everyone around her.
Here are a few other pics that we took this week including Pete and Georgia at our neighborhood Labor Day parade. Pete even captured her holding a book. She's getting great with her hand coordination.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Eating Sweet Potatoes, 08.23.09

Georgia is advancing her diet to now include sweet potatoes. She ate many spoonfuls and seemed to like it despite making sour looking faces. Here's the video.

First Attempt at Crawling, 08.22.09

Georgia was playing on her activity mat and making attempts to crawl. She was moving her arms and legs. Looks like she'll be crawling soon. Here's the video.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Going to Houston & finding her toes, 08.13.09

We took a road trip to Houston to help celebrate Uncle Brad's 35th birthday. Georgia had a great time watching her cousin, Mia, dance for her. She was laughing so hard it was hysterical to watch. Here are some pics of her with her cousins. Some randoms pics that I took when we made it back home (Pete putting her to bed, her asleep with Sophia the giraffe, putting her toes in her mouth).

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sleeping in & baptism pics

Georgia was laying in our bed and looking mighty comfy. Pete gave her the remote and she was a natural lounger. Also, here are some pics of her I forgot to post in the baptism gown in case you didn't get to see how she looked.