Sunday, December 8, 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Getting ready to go home.

The three Dufrene girls posing in the hospital bed that I have called home for the last two nights.

Ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes. It's so amazing how tiny babies are. Such a tiny little girl with so much love.

 Of course, we had to have a little bit of fun before we said our bon voyage. The nurses were a bit confused by this but we couldn't resist.

Georgia couldn't keep her eyes and hands off of Adeline. There's no jealousy here just pure love. She was covering Adeline with a shower of kisses. I just love this picture that captures her excitement on seeing her baby sister.

 I think Adeline is hungry. Looks like she thinks Georgia's nose might taste good.

 Georgia is definitely going to love her new role as big sis. Just can't wait to see their relationship blossom over the years.

Finally, we are heading home. Car seat, check. Baby, check. Georgia, check. Our new adventure as a family of 4 begins!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Growing our family to 4.

40 weeks
We headed to the hospital on March 28 to have our new little baby girl. We still weren't certain what her name would be but we thought we might just need to meet her to make that decision.

During this delivery, we were blessed to have Georgia & Adeline's Nana, Sharold, in the room and taking care of Georgia at night. She was a big help in maintaining the calm in the room as things intensified. Here's what happened on this great day;

0850: checked into hospital
0930:  2 centimeters, water broken by Dr. Bushart
1000: Pitocin started
1255: 4-5 cms
1330: epidural started
1535: Dr. said we're 9 3/4cm
1609: Adeline Elizabeth made her debut. 8lbs, 1 oz. 20 inches

Our sweet Adeline is such a little snuggle bug. She is very curious from the start, checking out the room and all of the noises that were taking place.

Yeah, we finally get to meet our newest pink bundle of joy. Seems a little easier this time around. We were acting like old pros at this delivery thing. 

Whew! Adeline is finally able to take a little snooze after her first feeding and bath. It was funny because during her bath, she kept lifting up her head and moving around. The nurses laughed and said, "She's like a little barracuda". Seems pretty strong. She looks at peace in her bed warmer after all of the poking and prodding she went through.

Georgia is in love.
Georgia was instantly in love with Adeline. She walked into my room and didn't even acknowledge me. She had her eyes fixated on Adeline with a big grin and huge eyes of wonder as she said, "I need to go wash my hands so I can hold her".
What a proud Daddy and Big Sis!

Dr. Bushart makes a visit.
Dr. Bushart stopped by to check on everyone with his big smile and funny humor. Georgia was so excited to see him (he always gives her a lollipop) that she quickly gave Adeline back to Daddy so she could talk to him. As you can see in the picture, she is extremely in awe of him. :)