Sunday, September 12, 2010

Georgia loves Mr. Potato Head, 09.12.10

We bought Georgia a Mr. Potato Head toy set. She was a little curious about the pieces but once we put the eyes on the potato she was shrieking b/c she realized it was a little person. She loved putting on the glasses on the toy but even more so on herself. Here are a few of her funny pics.

First day of day care, 08.09.10

Georgia is now ready to go to day care and is anxious to meet a lot of new friends. Daddy took her to school and as you can see she had a smile on her face during the ride. She was a bit nervous when she arrived but quickly became engrossed in fun activities and began to make new friends.

Visiting with family, 08.08.10

Aunt Denise, Uncle Mike and Chad came over for a visit. We had a fun filled day at Schlitterbaun, ate lots of great food, and spent a day at the pool. Georgia had such a good time seeing them and showing them all of her new 'tricks'. Chad really enjoyed quizzing Georgia to see how extensive her vocabulary is. Whew, she passed. She was sad to see them go home but was happy to know that she'll see them soon.

Playing in the park, 08.05.10

Playing in the community park is such a great way to spend a summer day. Georgia loves this little park close to the house because it has so many things to climb and explore. She loves to walk up the stairs, cross the bridge and slide down the slide. They even have this cool scooper thing that she can pick up a ton of rocks and make piles.