Thursday, March 18, 2010

And She Stands, 03.17.10

This past week Georgia has been standing up all by herself but the minute we grabbed the camcorder she would smile and sit down. Finally, with her distracted by one of our kitchen cabinets, we caught her on film.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Snow Day, 02.23.10

Georgia was able to see her first snowfall today. She loved the snowmen that I made. Really wanted to pull the snowman's scarf off.

First Steps behind push toy, 02.25.10

Here are Georgia's first steps behind her push toy.

Georgia feeding herself, 02.24.10

Crawling through her tunnel, 02.22.10

Georgia with push toy, 02.22.10

She is trying to figure out how her new push toy works.

Georgia dancing with her push toy, 02.22.10

I caught Georgia dancing to the music of her new push toy. She is really getting into the song.

Georgia with Grandpa, 02.13.10

Georgia has started to shrug her shoulders and repeats it over and over especially when people start to laugh. She really enjoyed doing it with her Grandpa during our Mardi Gras trip.

Perfecting her crawl, 01.05.10

Georgia with Grandmom at X-Mas

Daddy dancing with Georgia, 01.03.10

New Years Eve Video, 12.31.09

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

11 months, 02.26.10

Georgia is furniture surfing and now starting to attempt to walk behind her new push toy. She is a big adventurer and is checking out everything that is within her reach. She always has a smile and has started to move her head side to side whenever there is music playing. She also loves her tunnel because she can crawl through it so quickly.

We went to McKinney Falls with family and she enjoyed it from her perch in the Baby Bjorn.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Georgia dancing with Jamie at Christmas 2009

First Mardi Gras, 02.11.10

Made our annual road trip to New Orleans so we could celebrate Mardi Gras. Georgia loved all of the floats, lights, beads, and people that were along the parade routes. She had a great time and was able to spend a lot of time with family and friends.

Houston Trip, 02.06.10

We drove down to Houston to celebrate Mia's 5th birthday. Her cousins were so amazed by how quickly she is growing and even crawling. They were looking out the window at their dog and Georgia was pretty excited to be staring into the dog's eyes as she licks the glass window between them.