Monday, January 25, 2010

10 months, 01.26.10

This past month has been so many firsts. Georgia not only crawls (quickly, I must add), but she's pulling herself up to a stand. Pretty soon she'll be furniture surfing. She's very vocal and silly to boot. Definitely a ham whenever she can be. She loves to smile at everyone and wave good-bye. We had a lot of fun with her and she was a good sport about the spiked hair do.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

9 months, 12.26.09

Nine months and counting. This month has been a busy one with trips to New Orleans and Houston. Georgia is doing many new things this month, waving good-bye and starting to crawl. She was very curious about a friend's cat probably b/c he was so much smaller than Lucy.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas in Houston, 12.26.09

We drove to Houston the day after Christmas and had a great Mexican dinner before opening gifts. Georgia loves her bigger cousins, Cameron and Mia. They sure know how to entertain her.

First Christmas - New Orleans, 12.25.09

We drove to New Orleans and threw Pete a surprise 40th birthday party at Denise's. We were pleasantly surprised by the number of family and friends who were able to make it despite their hectic holiday schedules... Christmas Day was great at Denise's. We had a fun time hanging out with everyone and opening gifts. Georgia loves all of this attention and will definitely go through withdraws when we get back to Texas.

First Thanksgiving, 11.26.09

Pete and Georgia spent the holiday with the Norton's. They had a great time and I heard that Georgia had a ball spending time with everyone. We headed to Houston to spend a late Thanksgiving with family. Lots of food and fun.