Saturday, November 14, 2009

Starting to Crawl, 11.12.09

Georgia is continuing to change day by day and is moving fast doing a military-like crawl. She is definitely keeping us busy by chasing after her as she explores the world around her.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Laughing so hard, 11.12.09

Georgia thinks it's hysterical to pretend to swat flies with a piece of paper. She just can't stop laughing. Here's a video catching it. Pay attention to the end, she has a really hard laugh.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Meeting Friends, 11.06.09

Georgia met one of her newest friends, Mia, and was in such awe of her. Georgia looked like she was going to pat Mia on her back when she started to cry. I'm sure when they are older they will have a ton of fun together... At the end of the week, we met up with some of our friends, the Thornton's, and had a great time while eating a delicious meal. Georgia loved all of the attention from Kylie and Cade. She especially loved Cade's glasses and pulling at their hair.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

1st Halloween, 10.31.09

We had such a great time dressing Georgia up in her leopard outfit with whiskers to boot. She loved the attention that she received at the Esacove's Annual Halloween bash. Pete dressed up as a nerd and I dressed up as a disco chic. Hope everyone had a great Halloween.