Friday, July 24, 2009

4 months old, 07.24.09

In two days, Georgia will be officially 4 months old. This afternoon we were in the backyard and she was really cracking up over Lucy. We were able to capture a minute of her laughter. This is the first time that she really showed some interest in Lucy. I think they are going to be best of buds here in a couple of years.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bathing beauty, 07.19.09

We went over to the Esacove's for food, fun, and for Georgia to splash in the baby pool with Lilly. She wore this cute navy and white polka dot bikini (thanks Mia) with her matching sunglasses. They started out in a sink and moved over to the baby pool. Lilly was splashing in the water and this kept Georgia's attention the whole time. She's probably imagining the day when she can splash around in the water all by herself.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Playdate with Lilly, 07.18.09

Georgia and Pete went over to Adam, Lilly and Bella's house to have her first playdate. The girls hung out in the Pack n Play while their daddies played Wii. They had a ball sharing toys and really checking each other out.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

16 Weeks, Stretching routine, 07.16.09

We can't believe that Georgia is already 16 weeks old, time is flying. She is always super happy when she's on her changing table and always has to stretch when her swaddle wrap is undone. Here is a quick video to show you her stretching routine and how happy she gets.

Fourth of July, 07.04.09

We had a great day despite the 100+ degree weather at the Norton's. The barbeque was delicious and Georgia enjoyed watching a rugby game with Daddy on t.v. (don't like her to watch t.v. but it was too cute). She loved being a big girl sitting up on the couch all by herself. Afterwards, we saw the fireworks over the downtown skyline. Georgia loved seeing all of the bright lights without all of the noise. It definitely kept her entertained. Here are some other cute pics that I took this week.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Laughing & Making Sounds, 07.10.09

We were finally able to capture Georgia cracking up. She especially enjoys nursery rhymes and those good ole songs like "If You're Happy and You Know It"... She is still learning her acting skills as she is very conscious of the camera. We will continue to work on that. Also, she's starting to make a lot of sounds and blowing bubbles like the second video below.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Facing Forward, 07.02.09

Georgia was estatic when we finally put her face forward in the Baby Bjorn. She was constantly kicking her legs and smiling at anyone in front of her. We took her to two different birthday parties and she was in heaven taking in all of the sights. When we first put her in, she was turning her head side to side so fast Pete thought she was at a tennis match. Needless to say, she had a great time.